Monday, January 30, 2012

Painting project

I have been tied up, lately, with the transformation of 1333 Central.  The whole interior gets new colors...this means I will help...and it will be done right.  There are areas where latex has been put on top of oil paint.  I would have just recolored the top layer, if the top layer was wasn't.

Pasadena store tinted the paint we bought on sale last saturday.

living room

front door

back bedroom

Lots of woodwork

away from the walls

looking back

Her Majesty is in complete control

Look at all that wood!

Back bedroom, again.

Those windows won't be fun.

the closet will be worse
Rick Boydston and neighbor, Jack have put in 2 days...I have put in several more.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Katie's Birthday

6321 Mt. Sinai, Hollywood Hills


Today would have been Kate Simons-Fleury's 60th birthday.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rose Bowl ride

Took the E-bike around the Rose Bowl today.  Heard a little noise from the rear wheel as I climbed out of the Arroyo so I will check in at CoCo's and have Jon look..  What fantastic weather!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bottlebrush in back yard finally compromised too many wires.

This is where it used to be.

More sun and room to add a rear entrance and parking.

I recommend Luis Nunez for tree trimming.

Mah buddy Dennis Nicholson dropped by to supervise.